Labex Compilation

April-July 2013, in Lyon or nearby.

The Labex MILYON (Mathématique et Informatique à Lyon) is a funding agency whose goal is “to federate the Lyon community in mathematics and fundamental computer science around three projects, for research, higher education and society, respectively”. Concerning research dissemination, one of the organization principles of MILYON is “to strengthen our international relationships, in particular by organizing thematic quarters, which will allow world experts of a subject to gather in Lyon and work together in a stimulating environment”. In this context, the Compsys team (Compilation and Embedded Computing Systems) of the Computer Science Lab (LIP) at Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, proposed to organize a thematic quarter, between April 2013 and July 2013, on compilation techniques, with a special focus on the interactions with languages and architectures for high performance computing.

This thematic quarter, called labex compilation, consists in 4 scientific events, organized in Lyon or the vicinity (in the Rhône-Alpes area). The funding from Labex MILYON, as well as subventions and support from ENS-Lyon, CNRS, and Inria, is used to cover all expenses of invited speakers and make the registration fees for attendees very low, if not free (food, room reservations, sometimes lodging). These four events are the following:

Note that these four events are preceded by the annual CNRS french school on architecture, which is very related, from the scientific point of view, to the topics of this thematic quarter. This event is also held in Rhône-Alpes (near Grenoble), on March 25-29, 2013.

For all general questions relative to the labex compilation, please contact Alain Darte at